Wednesday 31 October 2012

After salt bath, sugar body scrub

I received so many nice comments about the homemade sea salt bath post - Nothing better to chill out than a hot bath! - of last week, that I thought you might like this one too.

Homemade sugar body scrub
Photo Credit: My Sweet Garden

I simply can't fail this recipe by Below is what you will need, plus some tips of what I think you should also try:

- Coconut Oil (like this I found in Amazon, pack of 6 x 250ml for £6.78)
- Ideally, raw cane sugar, but brown sugar should work as well.
- Again, a few drops of your favourite essential oil to give that little extra touch
- Jars and all sorts of ribbons, tags and twine to decorate as you wish!

The recipe is simple: 1 part oil to 2 parts sugar. Mix it until you get the right consistency and add 4-10 drops of your chosen essential oil. I would also try to add, instead of essential oils, a few drops of lime or orange juice, and see if I like the result. If you're planing to give them as gifts, you could also add fresh cut bits of lavender or grated lime/orange skin to add colour and texture and to make it look even more expensive and original!

The essential oil should do the trick and add the little bit of colour to your recipe, like in the picture above. But note that Jessica Christman advised us not to use food colouring, as she believes it can stain your skin and towels. Although, previously, the salt bath tutorial did say we could use up to 3 drops. So I guess if I wanted more colour than what I got just by adding the essential oil, I'd give it a go...

Different from most homemade treatments, this body scrub doesn't need to be used straight away and can be safely stored in a mason jar. It's a definitely a must try!

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